On the search for New Brunswick dispensary deals? We understand! When it comes to finding quality cannabis, sometimes, you may be working with a limited amount of funds. At Earth & Ivy, we love helping customers track down good prices on their preferred strains and cannabis products. Check out all the details on how to get the best deals on cannabis in New Brunswick below.
Check Out Our New Brunswick Dispensary Discounts
Looking for the best prices on the best edibles in NJ? Maybe you’re looking to buy flower in bulk and save. In any case, we’ve got you covered with some of the best New Brunswick dispensary deals at our dispensary. We’re passionate about helping people improve their lives with cannabis, but we also strive to make sure they can do so without breaking the bank.
A few deals you may see at our dispensary include bundle and save opportunities, deals on spotlighted cannabis brands, and opportunities to get discounts around special events and holidays. We also offer group discounts like 10% off for verifiable students, veterans, seniors, and first responders. Also, if you’re a first-time customer, you’ll save 15% on your first purchase.